Why you should care about CES2015

Why you should care about CES2015

For the next six days, please join me as we look into the future of what our digital lives will be like. From what we can see already, it’s going to be interesting. Whether you are bleeding-edge or reluctant technology hold-out, the landscape around you is moving like...
High Roller opens in Las Vegas

High Roller opens in Las Vegas

The High Roller opened today, thrilling Las Vegas visitors and residents alike to a view of Vegas never before seen. The wheel is 550 feet tall and rotates once each 30 minutes. Tickets for the thirty minute ride cost $24.95 for daytime and $34.95 for night. Go to the...
FlyBorgata lets you travel like a rockstar

FlyBorgata lets you travel like a rockstar

When I first heard about the FlyBorgata program, I almost dismissed it as something only the rich and famous would do. Glad I decided to look into it a bit more. It may be the closest you’ll ever come to getting treated like royalty, without having to endure a...

Amazing do-it-all Grand Canyon helicopter tours

If like many, you’ve been to the Grand Canyon on a tour bus or via the rail; chances are you went to the South Rim. Operated by the National Park Service, this is where most tourists have gone in the past. From here you can walk along the rim or do an overnight...