Vim & Vigr has a line of socks that you’ll want to check out if you plan on spending a lot of time on your feet each day. All their socks have a graduated compression beginning at the ankle and increase circulation throughout your leg. With more blood flow, you’ll probably notice less fatigue while walking or hiking like I did.
We’ve been using them for a couple months now and really enjoy how well they perform. Even after repeated washings, they are holding their shape and their compression quite well.
Vim & Vigr comes in a wide variety of materials and colors, so check out their entire line.
Find out more at or order from Amazon.
This was one of the products we featured during the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show earlier this year, and we wanted to double back and present those items that actually turned out to be as good as we thought they would be. Now that they’ve stood up during our road trips, we can recommend them unequivocally.
For a list of all the products featured originally, check out any of the following:
[Nine products from Day One of the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show]
[Nine more products from Day Two of the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show]
[Ten more products from Day Three of the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show]
[Twelve more products from Day Four of the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show]
[Fourteen more products from Day Five of the 2014 Outdoor Retailers Show] awards their Senior Citizen’s Thumbs-Up rating for this item. This item is something that would make an excellent gift for that special senior on your gift list. See other “Recommended for Seniors” products on our special Seniors page.