If you are looking for a fun afternoon’s activity, kite flying can be a blast…assuming you can get the kite in the air.  Some poorly designed kites just don’t want to fly. To prevent that from being an issue, you might consider the Prism Stowaway Parafoil, the easiest to fly kite I’ve ever used.

Prism Stowaway Parafoil kite

This is what I used to call a Dragon Kite, similar to the Chinese kites with their extremely long tails.  This Prism kite has a permanently attached 20-foot long tale that makes this an exceptionally easy kite to fly.

It is rated as best in winds from 5 to 25 mph.  I was able to get it up a full 200’ in just minutes on a day with spotty breezes – which was a pleasant surprise.  Once it was up the full height, I was able to tie it off and it stayed up by itself.  That’s ideal for little kids, who don’t yet get the concept of working the breezes to keep a kite aloft.

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The other beautiful thing about this kite is its simplicity.  When you open it for the first time, it’s already prestrung and all you need to do is to tie the supplied 200’ line to the string bridle on the kite. You are then ready to fly.

The supplied 200’ string is wound around a 5” diameter plastic reel that is easy to hold and lets the string out super quickly when the winds warrants it.

Both kite and string reel all pack up neatly in a small package, easy to toss in a backpack, car trunk or suitcase. Grandparents might want to keep one in the car for those days when you want something different to do with the grandkids.  This kite took virtually no running to get aloft and to keep aloft.

Prism Stowaway Parafoil-6559

Check out the Prism Stowaway Parafoil and the huge line of other kites available from Prism Kite Technology.

Recommended for Seniors.
DougBardwell.com awards their Senior Citizen’s Thumbs-Up rating for this item. Easy to carry and easy to use, this item is something that would make an excellent gift for that special senior on your gift list. See other “Recommended for Seniors” products on our special Seniors page.


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