At my first glimpse of the Chef 5-Minute Meal booth at the Outdoor Retailer’s Show this summer, I was quite intrigued with the steam coming from a bunch of food boxes on their demo table. Upon further investigation, I discovered that each package was its own oven and that steam, was coming from a bunch of dinners being cooked before us.
Pick one of nine meals – from breakfast omelet to dinner pasta to chicken to beef. Each meal is sealed in its own serving bowl with a peel-off plastic lid. Each meal is placed in a package with a heating tray and a pack of salt water to active. Fork and napkins are included as well.
When its time to cook dinner, merely open the box, open and pour the salt water into the heating tray and place back inside the cardboard container. The saltwater activates the heating element in the lower tray and causes it to create steam heat. Give it 5 minutes (more in colder climes) and dinner is ready to remove and enjoy.
The original line of meals comes in a single serve box. Choose from eight different meals.
The backpack meals come in a foil pouch, easier to stuff in a backpack. Choose from five different meals.
The Chef Express line comes with two ready to eat wraps – either Tuna Salad or Chicken Vegetable Salad which can be placed in ready to eat whole wheat tortillas.
You can also try an instant breakfast granola with latte or a good-sized, 75 gram meal replacement bars.
Check out the whole line of Chef 5-Minute products at their website:
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