Being cooped up in your apartment is not what most people want to do day after day. Oh sure, it’s what we need to do to control the virus, and I’m 100% for that; but if you are allowed to go out for exercise – a perfect way to do that is going hiking in the woods or a local park.

Walking around your neighborhood, with lots of other people on the sidewalk isn’t the social distancing the Department of Health recommends. Going to a remote park or into the woods, however, could be just the thing.

I’ve hiked in woods and not seen another living soul for hours on end – so no virus danger there.

But before you go, there are a few things to remember. Luckily, our friends at Walsh Brothers Shoes have put together this infographic to help you enjoy your first day hike.

How to Prepare For Your First Day Hike

The only thing I’d add, is take a camera or at least your camera phone. If you get any great pics, share them with us in the comment section below. Stay safe and enjoy.

Photo of Doug Bardwell - writer - photographer - blogger