I’ve got a drawer full of accessory lights for my photo shoots, but the only one I’m carrying full-time in my camera bag now is this Sutefoto T15. Even if fully expended, I can recharge it in a mere two hours and it will last four hours. It sports a 5000mAh hour battery and yet weighs less than ½ pound.

The light measures roughly 6”X3”X1” and comes with a nice hot shoe mount which can be screwed into the ¼”x20 socket on the bottom or side, so that you can shoot with it on camera either vertically or horizontally.
Alternatively, you can screw it directly onto a ball head on top of your tripod so that it can be aimed up, down, or angled in any direction.
I also love that it is so lightweight that even my tiniest monopods or tripods can be used to support it in tight areas.

With intensity adjustments from 1 to 100%, I can use the light without blinding kids or those with sensitive eyes.
One of the other major benefits for me is that I can dial it in to correctly match any other lighting temperature I run into while shooting indoors or out. From the warmest 2800K to the coolest 10000K, it’s just a matter of a push of a button or it can be preset in the app that powers it via Bluetooth.
The special effects available will probably be most appreciated by video creators, and there are ten of them to try: from flames, to TV mode, to police to fire truck or ambulance.
See my photos for examples of the photos available using the T15.

Photos 1 and 2 – Photo 1 was taken with just ambient light while you’ll easily notice the additional detail picked up by holding the T15 directly over the duck in Photo 2.

Photo 3 – I set the duck in front of the light, aiming the light toward the camera on low brightness.

Photo 4 – I set the duck on top of the T15, shining up toward the ceiling and throwing a nice gradient against the back white wall.

Photo 5 and 6 – In Photo 5 the duck was sitting above the T15 while the T15 shone on the back wall giving it a nice violet gradient, but the duck needed more light. So, in Photo 6, I just aimed a small flashlight directly at the duck for highlight illumination without overpowering the T15 shining on the background.

Photo 7 – Shows how close the T15 was to the pelican in the following shots.

Photos 8 and 9 – Photo 8 was ambient light only – boring. Photo 9 was with the T15 showing 100% Red and 100% Blue light from the right side only.

Photo 10 is my favorite by just adding a little white light from a flashlight off to the left.
Possibilities are endless with the Sutefoto T15 – just one of the many great lighting items from Sutefoto. Check them all out on Amazon.