St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin, Ireland
Planning your holiday getaway is ever so important, and picking the right destination is paramount. If anyone in your travel party is challenged with physical limitations, disabled, or handicapped, then planning is even more important. Luckily, more and more travel destinations are now trying to make travel easier for everyone from children to seniors.
Here are five that have gone the extra distance to make sure their major attractions are available to everyone:
Thanks to Victoria Abbott-Fleming, Managing Director of a chronic pain management company called Burning Nights, a non-profit organisation, for the infographic.
Victoria explains, “As a chronic pain sufferer, I realise the difficulties encountered by people with disabilities in relation to travelling and sightseeing. After doing some research on the topic, I found some interesting facts about five cities which are conducive to easy accessibility for people with a disability. I decided to create an infographic to highlight just what makes these cities so accessible, as well as recommending appropriate places to stay and tips for travelling.”
Learn more at her website: http://www.burningnightscrps.