How to become a travel writer?
Just start writing.
How to get free travel?
That’s a different story. Without a doubt, travel writing has been the best gig I’ve ever had. In the span of just a few short years, I had the opportunity to:
- Walk with lions and ride elephants in Africa,
- Share a cage with a 1,200 pound albino alligator in Kissimmee Florida,
- Hang out of helicopters over Pearl Harbor and photograph the beautiful scenery on the island of Maui,
- Race around the waters of the Amazon and filmed the spectacular Boi Bumba festival in Brazil
- Avoid getting gored by a crazed bull at a South Dakota rodeo, and
- Avoid being eaten by a hungry lion in Zimbabwe,
- Photograph dozens of celebrities at a casino grand opening
- Zipped around an Indy style track at speeds of 170 mph,
- Jumped off a cliff overlooking Victoria Falls in Zambia,
- Learned how to rappel down a cliff in the Red River Gorge
- Ziplined over half a mile at 60-mph, while 500 feet in the air in Harlan, Kentucky,
- Climbed the mast of the world’s largest sailing ship while sailing seven islands of the Caribbean,
- Raced across the snows of Quebec on a dogsled
- Chased giant blue whales near the Arctic Circle
- Rode to a mountaintop on Icelandic Horses in Norway
- Viewed the landscape from the tallest building in the world in downtown Dubai,
- Slept on a bed of ice at the famous Ice Hotel
Ice Hotel
- Relaxed in the mineral springs of Taiwan
- Soaked in the volcanic springs of southern Chile
If that sounds like something of interest, we should talk. After traveling to more than 40 countries on five continents, I’d like to work with a few aspiring writers over the next year and see if I could help you achieve the same success.
Drop me a line at