Buy that tech now or wait?

It’s the age-old conundrum.  Pick up that cool tech product now or cool our jets and wait for the prices to come back down to earth. Oh, but Mom and Dad, “I need it now!”  In this guest post by Ben Taylor, he’s got the scientific data on what...
3D Printing is changing our world

3D Printing is changing our world

While attending the Consumer Electronics Show this year, I was blown away with the advances in 3D printing. In previous years, it seemed to have potential, but maybe some years away yet.  I was so wrong. In just 12 months from last year’s show, the technology has...
3D Printing – part two

3D Printing – part two

Continued from 3D Printing is changing our world – part one: After the Consumer Electronics show, I wanted to know more about how people are actually using the technology, so I set out to find some ordinary folk using 3D.  I know the astronauts have found ways...
3D Printing – part three

3D Printing – part three

After the Consumer Electronics show, I wanted to know more about how people are actually using the technology, so I set out to find some ordinary folk using 3D.  I know the astronauts have found ways to create replacement parts while in space, and doctors are creating...