Doing laundry is not the most exciting topic, but saving money is. So how about if you could save money every time you do laundry?  That would help wouldn’t it? Is $250 enough?

Switching to the environment, let’s up the ante and say we are going to save the environment every time we do laundry. Now we’re cooking, but “How?” you ask?  Glad you did.

Crystal Wash

Just add the two Crystal Wash balls to each load of clothes


These two unlikely looking devices are loaded with Bio Ceramic beads.  Just leave them in your washer each time you add clothes and do another load.

Each bead possesses antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties.  But the real magic is how they raise the pH level of your laundry water.

With a pH level over 8.5, the water molecules are reduced in size enough that they will permeate the pores of your fabrics releasing the dirt and odors during the wash cycle.  Most detergents do the same, but they accomplish it by adding chemicals to the soap powder or liquid.

With Crystal Wash there are no dyes, no perfumes and no chemicals.  That means no skin sensitivities, no faded clothes, no perfumed smells.

From using them for the past couple weeks, I can report A) clean clothes and B) natural fabric smells – no more slightly perfumey odors like with standard laundry soap.

The Bio Ceramics are just that – ceramic – they don’t wash away with usage and they don’t seep into your clothes.

But there must be some maintenance you say!

You’re right – there is – but I think you can handle it.  Every 30 loads or once a month, the Bio Ceramics need to be refreshed.  You do that by putting them out in the sun for one afternoon.  That’s it! They’re refreshed and ready for another 30 loads.

Crystal Wash is loaded with Bio Ceramics

Eventually, they may wear out, but the manufacturer is promising at least 1,000 loads of laundry per pair. Compared to standard laundry detergent – you could be saving over $250 for each pair purchased.

But there’s more!

As of this writing, Crystal Wash has already doubled their Kickstarter goal with 10 days left to go. What’s coming is Crystal Wash 2.0, which will include a Bluetooth chip in the device and an app for your smartphone that will tell you among other things, when it’s time to recharge and when your laundry is done.

Crystal wash benefits

Check out the Crystal Wash 2.0 kickstater page for more details and explanations…and to sign up.  You’ll be glad you did.