It’s hard to know where to start with these shoes.  OTZShoes are a lifestyle brand that feel great, look great; but are inspired by 5,000 year old technology.  Let’s go there first.


Back in 2005, Ludo (founder of Otz) discovered an article chronicling Oetzi the Iceman, a frozen, mummified Copper Age man, who lived circa 3300 B.C. in the Italian Alps.  When discovered, he was wearing the oldest preserved pair of shoes ever discovered.  Ludo describes them like this:

“The shoes were quite remarkable considering the time period – made of deer skin stitched to a bear skin sole with an internal woven net filled with dried grass and moss for warmth and comfort.”

Back to today, now you can enjoy a natural footbed – cork – which will form itself to your foot and provide the same warmth and comfort.  The OTZShoes minimalist line features what they call CORKlite as their featured footbed.

“CorkLite®is our lightweight soft cork footbed. It is made from a compression molded EVA form wrapped with a 1.8mm cork casing. The footbed is lined with a 1.8mm suede leather cover. This provides a softer cushioned ride that gradually molds to the shape of your feet. “

I’ve been using a pair of their OZ300GMS Wax Canvas water resistant shoes with the anti-microbial CORKlite footbed that is very comfortable.  The sole is molded with a combination of jute and rubber for comfort and traction. The uppers are breathable and stain resistant. The upper waxed canvas and sole are then stitched together (sort of like Oetzi’s) with minimal glues.

If you want an original, it’s hard to beat a 5,000 year old design.  Check out the dozens of styles at their website:


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