Guest Post by Mahendra Bajiya

Do you have a video editing software on hand that you could use? Although more and more people have access to at least a basic video editor – many still do not.

The fact of the matter is that nowadays practically everyone could benefit from having a good video editing software available. If you don’t think you need one or simply aren’t sure, you should know that there are numerous ways you could use it:

  • Extract short clips from videos

One of the most useful ways that video editing software can come in handy is simply as a tool to allow you to extract short clips from your videos. By trimming away the parts that you don’t need, you can save only the parts of your video that you’re actually interested in.

In general this will come in handy if you want to save a highlight clip from a video, a part that has music that you like in it, a snipped of useful information, or a myriad of other reasons. Odds are you’ve probably at least thought about it in the past at some point or other.

  • Crop away black bars

As you have probably noticed some videos have black bars above and below them (i.e. a letterbox), or on either side. Normally this is because the video was recorded in a different aspect ratio than it was exported in, so the black-colored bars were added to adjust its aspect ratio without affecting the image.

Although they are mostly harmless, having black bars in your video could prevent you from taking advantage of the full real estate of your display. However with video editing software it is easy to remove black bars from your video, and all you need to do is crop them out.

  • Create video content

Of course the main reason why video editing software is useful is because it will let you create video content. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be for profit or for a business – it could just as easily be for personal use as well.

By having a way to edit your videos, you can improve the clips that you upload to social media or share with your friends and family through other means. In fact you could even create impressive content from the videos that you record while on family trips, during special occasions, and so on.

Considering how useful video editing software can be, you should definitely at least try one out. It may be a good idea to start with one that is user-friendly – and Movavi Video Editor will fit that bill perfectly.

In contrast to other video editing software, Movavi Video Editor is designed to be intuitive and will require no prior experience whatsoever. At the same time it will equip you with a powerful set of features that you can use to extract highlights, crop away black bars, and create impressive video content of your own.

The features in Movavi Video Editor are nothing to sniff at and will allow you to enhance your videos, apply special effects, add background music, and more. It can even be used as a time lapse software to create the unique effect out of photos that you’ve captured.

On your part, all you need to do is try Movavi Video Editor out for yourself and take its features out for a spin. Once you see how easy it is to use, you can try to put it to work in some of the ways described above and know for sure whether or not you could use a video editing software as well.

Author Bio:

Mahendra Bajiya is a blogger who regularly edits and produces videos – both for his blog and for personal use. He has found that editing software is a more useful tool than most people realize.