For people on the go, especially during these COVID times, you don’t want to stop exercising, but you sure can’t carry your weights with you when you travel. Thanks to today’s technology, you don’t need to. With the new Oculus Quest 2 headset, you can maintain a great workout schedule in your room whenever you have the time. Liteboxer has come up with a fun way to do short, medium, or long exercise workouts in just one corner of your room, while listening to popular songs in their workout tracks.

Having never used a VR headset before, it took me a few minutes to get used to setting my boundaries, learning the controls, and feeling comfortable operating the headset. However, in less than 30 minutes I had gone through their introductory session and was able to watch travel videos with immersive 360-degree videos. Once I felt comfortable with the headset, I loaded the prerelease version of the LiteBoxer VR software.

I appreciated the introduction to boxing, showing the right form and technique for the various punches required to keep up with the workout program. You’re then scored on the accuracy of your punches and the time it takes to land the punch. At the end of the workout session, you’re given a total score so you can track your progress from session to session.

I never expected boxing to be part of my workout routine, but I can see it being a fun addition for a well-rounded workout.  Learn more about Liteboxer’s physical punching trainers and Liteboxer VR on their website:

Watch an introductory video here:

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