Not to get too philosophical on you, but think about all these great moments:

  • Your bike wife tells you it’s time to head for the hospital the baby’s coming
  • That long awaited vacation is finally here and it’s time to head for the airport.
  • Your son or daughter is getting married and you’re heading for the church.
  • He’s been working all day and you can’t wait to get home and have a beer.
  • You’re on the way home from the lumberyard and ready to start building that tree house.

In every one of these great moments, the one thing you want to happen, is for the garage door to open so you can get in or out.

Unless you want to deliver that baby yourself, you better be darn sure that garage door opener is going to open when you want it to.  Some things just HAVE to work every time you press that button.

When you travel, probably one of the last things that come to mind, is your garage door….or is it?  I can’t count the number of trips I’ve embarked on where I called my daughter to go check and make sure my garage door was closed after I left.

There have also been those times when I’ve arrived home with a garage door opener in my car, but no house keys at all.  If the power should have been out, what then?

And wouldn’t it be nice if packages could be delivered into a dry garage instead of being left on the front doorstep where they get rained and snowed upon?

These are no longer issues to worry about since we installed a new LiftMaster smart opener by Chamberlain. With myQ technology, it’s just like I’m home as far as my garage door is concerned.

First of all, the model 87504-267 we had installed, is SOOOO much quieter than our old opener that my wife couldn’t believe it.  The sleek unit comes with an ultra-quiet belt drive, that can actually operate on battery backup in case of a power failure, which was an ongoing problem when we first moved into this neighborhood.

A wraparound 2,000 lumen LED “Corner-to-Corner” lighting system literally lights our whole garage and comes on automatically when you walk into the garage.

With the myQ app on my phone, I can remotely open and close the door. I can even provide a code to Amazon Key, so they can leave packages or groceries inside for me in bad weather.

I’ve programmed the app so it does a few really convenient things for me. It will ping my phone whenever the door opens or closes when I’m away.  With the camera actually built into the opener, I not only know the door is opening, but I can look and see what’s coming or going. With two-way audio, I can even talk to someone in the garage. 

I’ve also programmed it so if we come home and forget to close the door, after 5:30 p.m., it will automatically close itself. Happened just last night as a matter of fact. The myQ app is available for both iOS and Android.

To learn more and find an authorized dealer click here.

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