Seeking Romance Coast-To-Coast with the 100 Most Romantic Restaurants List
Back by popular demand is OpenTable’s 100 Most Romantic Restaurants list, curated by analyzing more than 12.4M US diner reviews. This year’s list spans 33 states coast-to-coast. California dominates the list with 11 restaurants, closely followed by Ohio and Georgia at seven restaurants each.

OpenTable’s 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2022 is generated solely from diner reviews collected between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. All restaurants with a minimum “overall” score and number of qualifying reviews were included for consideration. The overall score is made up of unique data points, such as overall diner rating, user klout, total number of reviews, and regional overall rating. Qualifying restaurants were then scored and sorted according to the percentage of reviews, for which “romantic” was selected as a special feature.

To see the full list by state, click here.

Based on this methodology, the 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2022 are (in alphabetical order):

The 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2022 can be viewed here. To see the full list of experiences near you, visit your local experiences hub and be sure to check local public health guidelines and communications about COVID-19.