Guest post by Rebecca Alston

Planning a trip can be a stressful and exciting experience. While getting away for a while is worth the investment, the coordination requires a lot of preparation. With so much to do, it’s no surprise that home security sometimes gets overlooked.

Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity. Putting some basic preventative measures in place will deter would-be criminals from selecting your home. Here are some budget-friendly ways to keep your home safe while traveling.

Install Motion Sensor Lights

The risk of a burglar casing your home is more likely if you have a dark, shaded lot. Trees at the front of your property and shadowy alcoves present great hiding places for sneaking around and accessing your home. 

Simple motion sensor lights can deter burglars from accessing your property. Not only does the light eliminate prime hiding places, but it also attracts attention by turning on and off. Install these in corners and near doorways.

Invest in a Basic Security System

There’s a common misconception that home security systems are expensive. However, you can get an affordable security system with motion detectors and monitoring for a nominal fee. 

In addition to basic monitoring, installing a few motion-censored cameras can provide an extra layer of security. Placing these in plain sight will act as an extra deterrent. Smart monitoring systems will also allow you to see what is happening remotely. 

Stay Off Social Media

Social media has become a normal part of everyday life. One of the biggest mistakes people make while traveling is live posting pictures of their trip. These posts indicate that your home is currently vacant and unlikely to be occupied for a few days. 

While we like to think that people on our social media accounts wouldn’t use this information for nefarious purposes, privacy settings and motives are tricky. Take lots of photos and videos, but don’t post them until you’re home.

Smart home technology

Talk to Your Neighbors

Knowing your neighbors and creating a caring community can also help secure your home while traveling. Take some time to become acquaintances with your neighbors and build a relationship. Watch out for their properties while they’re away, and ask the same from them.

If you’re comfortable with your neighbors, you can let them know that you’ll be away so they know to watch for suspicious activity.

Use Smart Home Lighting

Smart home lighting is another simple, affordable way to keep your home secure while traveling. You can program lights throughout your home to turn on and off at different times. If your home is dark for the duration of your trip, it indicates that no one is home. Having the same light on at night for the entire trip can be equally suspicious. 

Create a program that turns your lights on and off in alignment with your usual schedule. This will confuse anyone who’s watching your house and minimize the risk of a break-in.

Keeping your home secure requires minimal effort and planning. Use these simple strategies to protect your property on your next trip.

Photo Credits:

Source: Top Photo by Jonathan Borba:

Source: Bottom Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay