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I Never Wanted A Garden – Now I’m Having A Love Affair With My Gardyn
If you enjoy great salads or herbs for cooking, you HAVE to check out how you can grow 30 plants in 2 sq. ft. of your kitchen.

Theta Z1 – The Ultimate 360° Still And Video Camera
There’s a learning curve when beginning to do 360° photography, but the results can be dramatic. The top camera, if you are serious, has to be the Theta Z1 from Ricoh.

EDC Tiny Knife is available now on Kickstarter
If you’ll only accept the sturdiest of pocket knives for your EDC, consider the Tiny Knife, a retro design for the ages.

Need to create a quick business video – without learning agonizing editing software – try FlexClip
Start with the free version and you can edit your first video within minutes. Upgrade if you need more assets.

Active People Need the MU6 RING Open-Ear Wireless Air Conduction Sports Headphones
These headphones are perfect for those who run, skate, bike or just about any other outdoor sport – wieghing hardly anything, but sounding great.

Celebrating Birds – an Interactive Field Guide featuring Art from Wingspan
Whether you tweet about birds or are just a lover of great illustration, you are going to love this book, bringing the birds from Wingspan to life.